The 2019 season is undergoing some exciting changes. Entering our fourth ADPL Victoria season, we have several new developments for the year ahead.
- New social league season, named ADPL Summer Series, to run prior to the ADPL season from February – March. Optional to play, new teams, no Aus cap, Mixed category, Divisions 1 & 2 and more (info below).
- ADPL Victoria: Under the new ADPL Squad Regulations, Clubs are no longer required to enter teams in all three divisions.
- Dodgeball Victoria Cup (DV Cup) to open the ADPL Victoria season on Saturday, March 16. It involves all ADPL teams.
- ADPL rounds to be played every 3 weeks on average, with Clubs to play a minimum 9 round season. If the season exceeds 9 rounds, Clubs will play each other three times per division during the regular season (down from 5 times in Mixed / Women’s last season).
- Game-Fees have been reduced to $70 per team ($140 per round)
- Following each ADPL regular season game, referees will submit their votes, 1 – 3 in ascending order for the 2019 MVP Award.
- ADPL Victoria 2nd Division to be introduced in 2019 (Mixed Division)
- New optional social league (Mixed Teams – Max of 4 males on court)
- Three Round Season + Finals
Dates: Saturday, February 16 | Saturday, March 2 | Saturday, March 23 | Saturday, March 30 (Finals) - New teams can be formed, giving players the chance to play with new teammates
- No Dodgeroos Points Cap
- Proposed Format: Maximum of 6 teams per division (Division 1 and Division 2 leagues)
- Play each team once, before Finals Series (Top 4)
- Game-Fees are $65 per team
- Great opportunity to prepare for the ADPL season, with a fun pre-season tournament
- Tunes playing while on court
- Matches to be played at Deakin University Sports Stadium (221 Burwood Hwy, Burwood)
Under the new ADPL Squad Regulations, Clubs no longer required to enter teams in all three divisions. Please note, Clubs can enter as many teams as they wish regardless of their Club Dodgeroos Cap (max of 1 team per division).
- Minimum 1 Team (Men, Mixed and / or Women’s Team) – Maximum of 1 point
- Minimum 2 Teams (Men, Mixed and / or Women’s Teams) – Maximum of 2.75 points
- Minimum 3 Teams (Men, Mixed and Women’s Teams) – Maximum of 4 point (4.5 points if criteria if followed below)
This new system is designed for:
- New Clubs starting-up, who may not have the player-base or experience to fill teams in multiple divisions.
- Clubs who have a smaller player-base and / or don’t have a large contingent of Club Dodgeroos points.
To be eligible for the 2019 State Academies and Australian Dodgeroos squad, there are criteria which need to be met, including set standards of behaviour, minimum player appearances per division and more.
Link (3rd & 4th sub-headings): http://dodgeballfederationaustralia.com.au/2018/10/02/state-academies-launch/
Players that wish to be in contention for the Australian Dodgeroos need to be participating in the Men’s Division for male players and Women’s Division for female players (view link above).
- Maximum of 4 points per Club squad
2018 Australian Dodgeroos Members – 1 point
2017 Australian Dodgeroos Members – 0.5 point
Interstate Dodgeroos – Worth halve their points value when playing in Victoria - Dodgeroos Cap will increase to 4.5 points if a Club registers a minimum of 18 players in their squad (at least 4 players must be first-time registered participants in the ADPL). This initiative encourages Clubs to scout and recruit new talent, aiding the growth of the league, increasing the depth, talent pool, and general development of the competition and players.
- Players produced by their Club and selected in the Dodgeroos for the first from 2017 onwards, will be worth 0.75 points from the following season onwards, if they opt to stay at the same Club when they were first selected for the Dodgeroos. However, if this player changes Clubs following their Dodgeroos selection, he / she will be worth 1 point towards the Dodgeroos Player Cap.
EXAMPLE: If a player from Vermont Vipers is selected in the Australian Dodgeroos for the first time in 2018, he / she will only be worth 0.75 points in 2019 if they opt to stay at the Vipers. If they change Clubs, they will be worth 1 point.This regulation encourages players to stay loyal towards the Club that assisted them in gaining selection to the Dodgeroos, while also assisting Clubs to hold on to talent they help produced. - Male Players: A maximum of 3 points (of the max 4.5 points allowance per Club) from the Australian Dodgeroos Cap can register for a Club.
- Female Players: A maximum of 3 points (of the max 4.5 points allowance per Club) from the Australian Dodgeroos Cap can register for a Club.
- Mixed Division: A maximum of 4 points from the Australian Dodgeroos Cap can participate in each Mixed Division match during the ADPL regular season.
The second division will comprise of a stand-alone Mixed Division, taking place only on Saturday rounds – the same dates as ADPL matches at Aqualink Box Hill.
ADPL Victoria 2 fixtures will be held prior to division 1 matches from 11:00am or during the day on another court at the venue, pending availability.
How It Works:
- New Clubs wishing to enter a team in Division 2.
- Players playing ADPL can form a new Club in Division 2 with new teammates, while playing with their existing Club in Division 1. So players are able to play for a different Clubs in Division 1 (Men’s, Mixed, Women’s) and Division 2 (Mixed)
- Current Clubs wishing to submit a team in Division 2.
ADPL VIC 2 | General Info:
- Approximately a 6 round season, played at the same venue as ADPL1
- Mixed Division – maximum of 4 Male Players on the court at any given time
- Maximum of 1-point from the Dodgeroos Cap can participate in a Division 2 match
If current Clubs wish to enter a Division 2 team, players can represent their Club in both ADPL Victoria 1 (Men’s, Mixed, Women’s) and ADPL Victoria 2 (Mixed). There are no additional player registration fees. Clubs can extend their squad to sign-up additional players or utilise players in Division 1 to give them more experience and game-time.
The purpose of this league, is to continue the growth of the ADPL, increase the talent pool and create further pathways for players. More opportunities will be granted to players new to the game, or those wishing to play at a level more suited to their ability.
- A maximum of 30 players can be in an ADPL Club squad for the 2019 season (max of 15 males & 15 females), if the Club has three teams – Men’s, Mixed and Women’s.
- If a Club has less than three teams, Clubs can have a maximum of 10 registered players per team.